A Sunday (11) in the Life of a Pastor/Mother: Spring Forward

1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3.1)

I’m convinced that Daylight Savings Time is some cruel joke on either parents or pastors. And if you are both, then it is doubly cruel, especially when you lose an hour. Daylight Savings Time only seems to affect pastors anyway because we have to make sure that we show up to church on time. And kids are immune to Daylight Savings because no matter what the time is my kids are still going to wake up at 6am.

As an associate pastor, I rarely preach, which is actually fine by me because I have enough to do then add a sermon to my to-do list. This Sunday, not only did I have to do my usual Sunday tasks of setting up Sunday School and refereeing the occasional fight between my kids, but I also had to preach because my Head of Staff was on vacation. Usually, I’m up for the job, but then you add an hour of lost sleep and the stress of wondering if the Sunday School teachers and those on duty will remember to show up on time and I’m one tired pastor/mother.

I think for next year, I can do one of two things: start a petition to end Daylight Savings Time once and for all OR refuse to change my clocks and go about the world on my own time, which means I will either be late for everything or early for everything depending on whether I spring forward or fall back. But let’s face it, I’m too tired to start a petition and I already show up for things at the wrong time and even the wrong days anyway, so no one will really know the difference.

I guess it’s best to just suck it up, stop complaining, and take a nap.

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