Interactive Prayer Stations on Golden Calf (Exodus 32)

“Come on! Make us gods who can lead us. As for this man Moses who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we don’t have a clue what has happened to him.” (Exodus 32.1)

Below are ideas for interactive prayer stations focusing on the story of the Golden Calf. I used a video about riding a backwards bike to illustrate how God is teaching the people of Israel a new way of being in community. Yet, in a time of fear and absence of Moses’ presence, they fashion themselves an idol.

It is not easy to learn something new that requires us to change our habits, biases, and way of functioning. According to Deston, knowledge does not equal understanding. The people of Israel certainly were learning that.

Interactive Prayer Station #1: 

Materials: 1″ Wooden Washers, Markers, Ribbon, Bicycle Wheel


Interactive Prayer Station #2:

Materials: Candles, Copper Bowl, Tracing Paper, Markers


Interactive Prayer Station #3:

Materials: Paper, Corkboard, Markers, Pins

To make the paper gears, follow these instructions.


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