Interactive Prayer Stations on Immigration, Faith Statements, & Outreach (Exodus 19)

 “ If you faithfully obey me and stay true to my covenant, you will be my most precious possession out of all the peoples, since the whole earth belongs to me.” (Exodus 19.5)

On the one year anniversary of my church becoming a sanctuary church, we reflected on our commitment using prayer stations. There was also opportunity to create one’s own faith statement and reflect on the meaning of covenant.

Interactive Prayer Station #1: Covenant

Materials: Pencils, Sanctuary Statement Mad Libs

Interactive Prayer Station #2: Witness

Materials: Sticker dots, Immigration Law Timeline

This is a repeat of a prayer station we did when we were discerning to be a sanctuary church. As we discern our recommitment, we are taking another look at the immigration timeline.

Interactive Prayer Station #3: Promise

Materials: Large roll of paper, Tape, Rainbow Scratch Art Mininotes

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